Strange Hill High Wiki

Jinxy is the bunny mascot suit that functions as a villain in the episode Lucky Becky.


Jinxy was the Strange Hill High Basketball Team's mascot decades ago. The basketball team won the National Championships in 1972 and vanished soon after though they turned up fine six months later, being raised by bears in the school basement. However afterwards the team lost every game of basketball which they blamed it on Jinxy and store it somewhere in the locker room where it was rediscovered by Becky who wears it.


It gives the ability of luck to the wearer and if the wearer aka Becky says "good luck" then the person she said it to will have good luck but someone else/other people will be affected and get bad luck, for instance, Mathews was getting bullied by Tyson, Becky wished him luck and he got away but Tyson got hit by a tree branch will suddenly fell. Chain reaction.

It appears that the longer the the bunny suit is worn, the worse the effects of luck has on people and surroundings.
